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                                                                                                                                                   DEL MAR

              Flexible Entitlements to Facilitate Future          Excess Sewer, Water and Power Capacity              to further enhance the long term value of the com-
              Development of Over 5,000 Additional Units          Palmas del Mar is well positioned to handle further   munity. The development of a five-star luxury resort

              Entitlements are in place for approximately 1,500   development with over three million gallons of water   hotel and spa; the already built and operating 162-slip
              housing units, 700 hotel rooms and 240,000          capacity committed to the community, along with     yacht club in the outer harbor; the development
              square feet of commercial space in the Resort Core,   ample power provided by a 33 MVA substation       of additional on and off-site retail; and the recent
              Central Palmas and Palmas Plantation sections of    and a sewage treatment facility that is readily     announcement that a 300-bed state-of-the-art
              the development. The Guayanez parcel, the pro-      expandable. The current sewage treatment plant      hospital will be built just outside the gates of the
              posed site for a luxury resort hotel, has 416 develop-  has treatment and permit capacity for 1.2 million   community at the corner of State Roads 906 and 923.
              able acres, and is presently entitled for 1,946 hous-  gallons per day. Recently, the PDM Utility Corpora-
              ing units. The Buena Vista parcel contains 339 acres   tion received the Operational Excellence Award for
              of developable land. This site is presently entitled for   its region from the U.S. Environmental Protection
              2,686 residential units. As major new development   Agency. In total, it is estimated that it would take
              becomes more difficult in Puerto Rico, these entitle-  over $400 million in today’s dollars to replicate the
              ments become increasingly more valuable. Further-   network of roads, water, sewer, electric, telephone,
              more, the Company’s ability to transfer the density   high speed internet and cable television services,
              from parcel to parcel further increases their value.   and amenities now in place at Palmas.
              The Palmas Master Plan provides extensive flex-
              ibility to develop maximum density or single-family   Proven History of Success Across all Price Points
              beachfront homes.                                   Sales of new homes at Palmas del Mar are in the price
                                                                  range of $250,000 to $4 million. There are numerous
              Significant Infrastructure Already in Place         custom homes built and under construction that
              Off-site infrastructure improvements constructed    exceed $3 million in value. In addition to the active
              by the Puerto Rican Government have substantially   resale market, the development has averaged more
              reduced the commuting time between Palmas and       than 100 new home sales each year since 2000.
              San Juan, enabling residents to commute daily
              to the City. The completion of State Road 906,      Highly Regarded On-Site K-12 School
              a four-lane road that connects to the highway       The Palmas Academy, a private co-educational
              network providing direct access to metro San Juan,   English language institution, recently completed a
              has enabled Palmas del Mar to become increasingly   $9.5 million improvement and expansion program.
              attractive as a primary residential community for   This academy facilitates the educational needs of
              professionals and executives. An extensive on-site   its residents, further enabling Palmas del Mar to
              road network provides access to existing projects   be home to primary residential users.
              and future development parcels. The existing on-site
              infrastructure will further minimize the risk and cost   Significant Enhancers of Land Value Underway
              for future development.                             Both current ownership and third parties are actively
                                                                  pursuing a number of development opportunities

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